Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dented Souls

Out of alignment, bent and maybe a bit off-center
Scratched, used and badly in need of being trued
Rolling like dinged hubcaps mounted crookedly upon wobbly wheels
Always pulling towards the side of the dusty roads they travel

Dented souls with heavy parts sliding around inside when you turn them over
Fractured souls poorly splinted up using broken dreams and lame excuses
Lacerated souls oozing a clear morality into the dirty gutters
Bruised and contused, swelling and stiffening up

Souls grown bent from facing an eternal wind of dogmatic religious propaganda
Layers of grease built up on their undersides from long years on the roads
Rusting, unused souls in our institutions and cemeteries
Souls slowly turning to stone at a rate we cannot sense

Abraded beyond their working tolerance, they squeak and complain
Sagging souls still carrying far too much commercial traffic
Used and recycled, gradually losing the elasticity of their spirituality
Souls with broken and missing parts that won’t boot up no more

Lost souls found at last, spinning slowly in quiet, forgotten eddies
Cut deeply into by sharp objects on their tender and sensitive surfaces
Corroding under decades of the musty-smelling sediments of tears
Splintered souls with sharp and nasty looking edges

Squeaking, un-lubricated social joints and broken shock absorbers
Failing cooling systems and batteries that cannot hold a charge
Souls eviscerated and left to dry oiut in a hot wind, under a merciless sun
Crooked going gnarled, forgetful heading towards dementia

Dropped and cracked souls, not thrown away but likewise, never fixed or used
Fuses blown and then simply removed and live wires twisted together
Dusty souls with grime embedded into cracked surface joints
Attacked by parasites and pestered by noisy, biting charlatans

Mass-produced to last ‘forever’ without any provision for maintenance or repair
Clogged, narrowed and constricted and without any warranty
Factory-sealed but broken open to expose the non-user serviceable parts within
Bloated souls decomposing at the high tide mark on cosmic desert islands

This Ain’t No Boating Accident

This ain’t no tv game show
We won’t be back after some brief message
You won’t need no pain relief
Don’t bother getting up for another beer

this ain’t no traffic incident
oh, we’re way past the last exit ever
go ahead and drink and drive
no need to watch the gas gauge

this ain’t no office party
don’t need no burgers, chips or beer
forget about the sexy secretaries
go ahead and wax your boss

this ain’t no tango lesson
you won’t step on no one’s feet
don’t worry about your shoes
for this will cure that loneliness

this ain’t no drinking binge
don’t bother to swear off again
there won’t be nothing you can’t remember
you’ll never have another hangover

this ain’t no clearance sale
you can’t save no extra money
you can just ignore them newer ads
you got much more than you’ll need

this ain’t no dream vacation
don’t try and fit in that new bikini
you might as well kick way back
the flight home never can arrive

this ain’t no midnight snack
you don’t need to hold the anchovies
you won’t get gas in the night
you can’t gain no more weight

this ain’t no boating accident
jesus ain’t tossing you no lifeline
you can’t drown and you can’t swim
you can’t breathe the air or the water

this ain’t no household chore
you can’t hide out in the garage
there’s nobody gonna nag you
there ain’t no mess to be cleaned up

this ain’t no bible study group
that red ribbon won’t hold your place
you ain’t got a psalm to stand on
you won’t testify in the void

this ain’t no boring family picnic
they won’t pass you jello salad
don’t have to kiss some aunt’s hairy chin
they won’t even have to leave you alone

this ain’t no gambling junket
you don’t need to find a stake
forget about free meals in deluxe hotel suites
you ain’t the one who holds the dice

this ain’t no old folks home
don’t try to stay awake for the kids
you don’t need to roll outside
they’ll come get you in your bed

this ain’t no petty insult
don’t get all like quiet and pissy
no need to act like we’re not here
you won’t know you’re all alone

this ain’t no drug support group
it don’t matter if you’re clean and sober
there ain’t another day to take one at a time
don’t have to introduce yourself as an abuser

this ain’t no friggin camping trip
won’t be roasting any weenies
don’t worry about the sleeping bags
don’t even be afraid of the bears

this ain’t no weekly department meeting
don’t bother fabricating any fairytales
can’t use no visual aids
sucking up ain’t gonna help

this ain’t no kiddies bad dream
you can’t hide beneath the covers
nobody’s gonna come when you cry
the monster’s finally gonna get you

this ain’t no benefit dinner
they won’t seek a financial commitment
you won’t be eatin any rubber chicken
not gonna listen to no inspiring speakers

this ain’t no anger management class
we ain’t sorting out your issues
no need to be aware of your body’s signals
you won’t rage and scream or shout no more

this ain’t no construction detour
you ain’t getting back on the freeway
don’t even look for no street signs
it’s gotten way too dark to read

this ain’t no gaming getaway
you won’t need your extra credit card
it’s all going on your tab
you got nothing anybody wants no more

this ain’t no sports report
it’s all about your failing vital signs
it’s almost time for kick off
just maybe you could lift your head

this ain’t no Baptist revival
brother, you can’t hear Him call
judgment day’s been postponed for good
and jesus don’t know jack about it

this ain’t no birthday cake
it ain’t sweet but it’s stale
nobody’s singing happy birthday
them so-called presents ain’t for you

this ain’t no border crossing
don’t bother to try and sneak across
you got no valid papers
you ain’t goin out and you ain’t getting in

this ain’t no Lotto drawing
all them balls got your number
here’s a wad of free tickets
don’t even scratch ‘em, you’re already a winner

this ain’t no commercial message
they ain’t selling nothing here
you won’t hear no cheery jingles
you won’t need no persuading

this ain’t no final interview
don’t bother dressing up
no need to smile and flash your résumé
you’re already ensured a position

this ain’t no military operation
you won’t even need your weapons
you ain’t been trained to get through this
you ain’t got no squad to fight with

this ain’t no wedding reception
you can’t get drunk and spoil her day
don’t matter if you don’t got no ring
this won’t qualify as a honeymoon

this ain’t no family garage sale
leave your junk in the closets
don’t bother laying stuff out real nice
nobody wants that shit, no how

this ain’t no natural disaster
god ain’t smiting them heathen again
stay out of the basement shelter
they’re already tagging your dead body

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Rhythms Of Wandering

Twilight scouting out another quiet place
Untying our knotted hiking laces
Calling of the morning birds
Arising slowly amid a trickling peace

Well-used wool sweater, safe and warm
Our old dog, thick and furly
Quiet Fall mornings strung like amber beads
The warm smell of crusty new bread baking
Simple joy of your soft brown eyes

Breathing gently through restful sleep
Catching sight of forest dwellers
Changing tools and rhythms to make them better
Sloughing off our unused burdens
Sensing the complicated in the simple

Sleeping deeply in big tree shadows
Hearing small creek again as we awaken
Freed at last of choking specialization
Coming slowly together with the dawn,
Neither at work nor on vacation

Traveling widely yet always home
Mending socks and fixing breakdowns
Finding water and planning meals
Picking up yet another’s trash
Retiring early, safe in the darkness

Drying happily in a sunny breeze
Looking forward to our own cooking
Watching bees work on autumn flowers
Lingering where we really like it
Sipping wine and making music

My Most Black Swan Dreams

Black Swan - an unpredictable or unforeseen event, typically one with extreme consequences
If I could apologize to everyone I should, I’d gladly take all the time that I would need
Should there be a way for me to find just a little grace, you can bet that I would surely seek it
Give me but the time to practice a bit of mercy and I would become quite accomplished
If there was a way to thank all those helping me so invisibly, why, I would do it publicly

If I could stop my organic wastes from ever again polluting, you can bet I would
If it could only be, I would not generate any more plastic trash
Were there another way, my car would not belch a single molecule of CO2
If it were possible, these soaps and creams of ours would not harm those graceful fish

If I could stem our swarming, destructive overpopulation, why you know, I just might
I would gladly ban the wasteful, foolish, childlike religious practice known as war
I could happily do without soulless widgets of factory holocaust meat, given tasty alternatives
If possible, I would even turn off every wasteful, paranoid night light, just to see the stars

I would generate my own clean power right at home, given a real opportunity
If I never had to commute to work again, that would suit me just fine
Where can I buy but things not made by far off wage slaves working 14 hour days?
If I could make the choice, my lawn would not be merely an expensive, wasteful, poisonous carpet

If I could only make it so, I would decree that my greed become quite a bit less wasteful
With the right opportunity, I could possibly gain just a touch of humility
Given half a chance, I would tax all forms of noise above a certain decibel
If I would ever run for office, no one else but me would be writing my speeches

If someone like me could become a tabloid star, this would not be the world that we know so well
Should I get elected, neither party nor lobbyist would get to call my dancing tune
When I would finally stop trying to be different, I could start to make a real difference
If I could give up everything, I might finally see how much excess I actually have

If there was a way, I would stop up my lame complaining with a little real work
Should the greedy not take such cynical advantage, I could volunteer more time
You would see a different person if I could just view things in a different light
If I could shed my love of violence, I might find some small trace of tranquility within

If we knew our fathers, generations back, perhaps we would not scorn all the elders
Should I actually find something to say at last, I might lose my fear of silence
Given a new religion, I would put my vast but unused reservoir of faith to some good use
If I had some real reasons, I could dispense with all of my half-baked excuses

If it were just left up to me, I would try and slow this fleeting blur
If I could but begin again, I’m certain I could correct all the errors of my pride and folly
If I finally became conscious, I’d undo all the damage I have so thoughtlessly brought forth

If I lost my voice but had learned but a single song, I bet I could hum it silently, forever

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Vagabond Koans (1)

West Slope Sierra
Utterly impressed by their sheer size
They made sure they could cut them down
Now only giant stumps lay decomposing
neither logging nor tourist jobs remain

in the land of milk and honey, organic internet
there are still small towns with real people
where a young man might make a living for a family
while thirty million thirsty souls swarm the smoggy cities

basso profundo pickup truck
shatters peaceful predawn stillness
dumbass rumble at last dissipates
merciful silence refills his empty space

in the creaking breeze awaiting,
the stroke of god in the sunlight
bursting out with pregnant silence
mere sequoia emitting oxygen and grace

buying wood for the metal campfire ring
to cook the trout dumped from a truck
locked safely within his mobile modular
behold the happy camper

warm against the autumn frost
quiet there beside the lake
soaking in that radiant silence
full moon sets at nearly dawn

still gurgling over polished autumn granite
slurping into holes and eddies
sierra stream carries on its business
and then the reservoir

from out the wide smog-choked, dusty central valley
sheer sierra wilderness rises to catch the snow
the big trees and bigger mountains soar
barely beyond it spreads that awful desert

Monday, April 18, 2011

Long After One More Lost Holiday

Coming back from some long lost weekend or another,
You asked me did I remember such and such or so and so
It was from a time in a place that I had previously long awaited
But it took me a while to dredge up a couple jumbled recollections

Then I tried to remember the distinct holidays from different years
But there was no ordered collection with little notes and titles on their spines
There was this hazy blur from which things sometimes arose,
Like fish rising from the depths of murky moving water

All those highly-anticipated, well-orchestrated life events gone by
Full of joy and recreation, people and relaxation,
Now tumbled about on my rough journey in a worn out box of memories
Events and details mixed up forever, far beyond any disentanglement

After the holiday, came the realization of the once again onrushing ordinary
I never had time to unpack and to file our time together
It quickly disappeared in our daily wake, right along with your suntan
Sometimes I found its artifacts as I cleaned out the garage

For some reason or whatever we ask each other
Where were we on that Labor Day, three years ago
I could not remember what we had done
You did not recall where we had stayed

The kids do not remember all those special places that we took them
Your mother died 5 years ago asking for you to go and bring you to her
I find another page of recollections that I give up trying to put in order
We both draw blanks and we just look back through each other’s eyes

After the holiday, as I awaken, before the first visit of my morning nurse

They'll Ignore You

They’ll annoy you without conscious effort and then tell you it’s none of your business
They’ll step on your face with a condescending smirk while clawing their way to the top
They’ll throw shit on the ground when no one is around and then just drive away
They’ll make gasoline-powered noise to blot out the good silence that makes them feel uneasy

They’ll throw up cheap crap on good land, make quick bucks and then leave town for good
They’ll call you when you’ve had an accident and then drive up in another new leased BMW
They’ll pimp real estate to gullible strangers like a mother bird feeds her tiny chick
They’ll ignore the homeless as they drive by every day behind their tinted windows

They’ll act righteous beneath their fascist, literalist, fairytale personal saviors
They’ll spout gibberish and call for soundbite political debates with real scientists
They’ll carry their canned, evaporated culture far from home and never see a thing
They’ll piss you off with their thoughtless waste without ever even knowing it

They’ll shame you to the civilized world with all their ignorant, macho, cowboy posturing
They’ll spend thousands to go hunting but demand that all forests return a profit
They’ll blithely support resource extraction ignoring any and all of its long term costs
They’ll call birth control a sin but use the excess ignorant as their contract wage slaves

They’ll never walk anywhere outside except to shiny vehicles parked closely nearby
They’ll mouth the nonsense of televangelists and conservative think tank analysts
They’ll work diligently on their pathetic golf games on grass that’s a toxic green
They’ll take pride in an ignorance knowingly pitched to them as tough, manly and rugged

They’ll no longer require your services once you have called them on their charade
They’ll spoil and ignore their lazy children but blame their failures on poor schools
They’ll unknowingly waste more every hour than most people earn in a month
They’ll demand ever more criminally wasteful military money and call it patriotism

They’ll support our troops with plastic bumper stickers on their sleek imported cars
They’ll subsidize terrorists with hard cash every time they fill-up at the gas pump
They’ll idle their 300 hp engines to serve as personal room air-conditioners
They’ll go out for expensive meals prepared and served by the angry working poor

They’ll refinance all of our futures and every one of us will have to pay
They’ll drive to the wilderness and run loud generators to watch action DVDs
They’ll ignore you and get up way too close then start making lots of noise
They’ll always know lots about the latest bright and shiny consumer fad

They’ll take tax-deductible ski vacations with their corporate mega-churches
They’ll get tough on crime but cheat on their taxes and shortchange their illegal workers
They’ll be concerned for their security and burn bright lights which also blot out all the stars
They’ll call for roads to eliminate congestion and immediately crowd them with tacky shit

They’ll bulldoze native plants then spend enormous sums maintaining toxic, artificial lawns
They’ll cut your throat behind your back using canned & coded corporate PC catchphrases
They’ll twist the words they put in your mouth and then put them to use against you
They’ll advertise for proactive self-starters who must also be good team players

They’ll produce elaborate fictional schedules as they socialize in their meetings
They’ll forget your name should they ever be unable to avoid meeting you face to face
They’ll espouse a laissez-faire evangelical Social Darwinism fueled only by their shortsighted greed
They’ll copyright your handmade ideas and cheaply manufacture them overseas

They’ll change lanes impatiently over and over, angrily saving even more wasted time
They’ll make sure everybody in the office thinks they work 12 hours every day
They’ll be full of friendly smalltalk and jovial smiles when their boss happens by
They’ll mouth free enterprise while lobbying for their own tariffs, subsidies and tax breaks

They’ll dismiss your ideas out of hand while endlessly quoting their gutless, invisible leaders
They’ll drive up your property taxes and then buy you out to make a quick profit
They’ll sell you on personal responsibility but control your very bowel movements
They’ll rule as corporate control freaks but then plead complete ignorance to company crimes

They’ll pay vapid fast-talking salesmen princely sums to pimp their useless products
They’ll get fat bonuses and stock options for their, unfortunately, immeasurable contributions
They’ll cut your benefits, eliminate your position and renege on your retirement
They’ll purchase influence and legislation to insure their own continued success

They’ll rend the very fabric of the living world and belittle you for not putting people first
They’ll always chant of costs in jobs and money over environmental and safety concerns
They’ll pass you at full noisy throttle then brake hard to turn off at the very next corner
They’ll eat the pus-like middle of their white bread and then toss the phony crust aside

They’ll speak of a love of peace while subsidizing their weapons-making donors with no-bid contracts
They’ll pray to a god who rationalizes all of their greedy and short-sighted actions
They’ll glowingly praise democracy while buying up votes and peddling their influence
They’ll ignore you completely until it might cost them a bit of power or just a little money

Sunday, April 17, 2011

As Darkness Fell We Held Each Other

There was no one there that I could talk to
But hoarse shouting assailed me from all directions
The evidence was simply overwhelming
Still I thrashed about for any faintest clues

The stakes were already quite high but we all stayed in
I lost nothing but my worthless and failing pride
It looked like the rain would not stop falling
We were surprised and then shoved outside

Before the bridge broke it gave no warning
We sat and talked throughout the morning
Pretty soon we always hurried
When they were quite late we began to worry

We never guessed that we were lost
For it seemed we always headed somewhere
There was time to spare as the days grew longer
Then we awoke to cold and dark November

Kept on playing as darkness fell
Tucked them in before I left
Remembered all their lives so well
Now I’m only talking to myself

Watched the leaves fall from the trees
In those windstorms, I too lost branches
Caught up to clouds and their rain began
Missed many details since I always ran

Colors faded with the approach of night
My hair stood up from unseen demons
Felt my chest grow too damn tight
Lost silly dreams of getting even

Saw myself on the surgeon’s table
Kept on thinking I saw some light
Left well enough alone had I been able
Knew only I must awaken in the night

We sat close together as sunset faded
Nothing spoken passed between us
In your brown eyes I saw why I was created
We held each other close as darkness gathered

No Need To Protest Once They're Done

It’s hard for them to miss what they were too young to have ever seen
There’s just no sense in protecting anything that’s been gone so long already
Once they’ve disappeared there’s no need to fight over their extinction
Won’t have to try and save it if it was bulldozed so many years ago

There’s no point in boycotting that new Wal*Mart once the doors are open
Ain’t no way to stop this self-destructive process that we know simply and surely as progress
They aren’t going to get worked up over your old and faded pictures
It won’t matter anymore, anyway, when nobody else remembers

Once it’s been so hot for a hundred years no one alive will know any better
Just bulldoze those native artifacts and keep the work on schedule
Soon you won’t even be able to imagine how this all was before we came
They’ll say, ‘There’s no way you could have ever swam in this awful river’

No need now to preserve what’s been paved beneath this parking lot
Who cares that, over there, was where we used to keep our horses
Won’t make a bit of difference anyway, after a couple million years
No sense in arguing after all the trees are cut

Anyway, there’s still a few of them left, over at the zoo
Don’t have to file suit now since that marsh has been all drained
Forget about the bag limits, all the good fish are gone and the rest are full of poison
Why, they never even took the time to listen to all them songbirds, anyhow

No need for public hearings once it’s been graded flat and all paved over
It’s probably just always been really noisy around here, in any case
Can’t let the bears live too near our kids in their happy new backyards
It’s hard for them to try and restore what they neither created nor destroyed

Once we’ve broken ground there’s never any more objections
So, what actually was the point, in the way it was before
No way that this was ever just quiet rural farmland, in any case
When we are done, nobody will even listen to those squishy whiners

They won’t fight for things now gone, so far beyond their imaginations
Once we’re done extracting, there’s no profit whatsoever in restoration
Now that there’s this new road through here, why not add just a strip mall alongside?
After that, some cheap apartments over there won’t make any difference, anyhow

It’s gonna happen one way or another, so might as well get in on the money
They can fix up their little yards if they really need to try and make a difference
Now that it’s gone it’s just some NewAge fairytale to be dismissed with raucous, scornful laughter
No need to get offended now, it’s all been settled in accordance with our laws and tradition

Vagabond Koans (2)

A Sierra Weekend
struck me as quite amazing
almost made me stop and think
took that moment between two breaths
to come back to good common sense

under strict orders they toiled thru the days
driven on by critical deadlines
lives anxious with meaning, lay awake at night
moving holes from one spot to another

lovely turnout with short trail to the overlook
stepping free of the vehicular cocoon
attaining the uplifting vista point without a real effort
satori moment digitally marked and the soft drink can

in battered cars they roam in old and dirty clothes
living off the fruitful grace of the land
shitting where they sleep and moving on again
ugly, old and noisy children, left out on their own

full of piss and vinegar they come
loudly announcing a strong and musky presence
breaking branches and dropping rocks
young men stride the forest like your average mall

stream that cut rock a million years
spoke to me for just one moment
telling me the entire story
and I could merely sigh in wonder

Far away even before they leave
Recreation quickly once more forgotten
Blur of packing and fast driving
On an almost Monday, once again

We moved between sunlight and shadow
the river changing sides
While another afternoon gave way
As that autumn passed on by

Friday, April 15, 2011

Lost or merely wandering aimlessly?

After a while you start to think you probably should be getting somewhere
Signs should at least begin to appear now and again on the horizon
Maybe you might see a mileage marker or, why not even a billboard?
You’d think after all of these years some sort of outline would begin to emerge

Perhaps now that your kids are gone some of the constant turbidity will settle out at last
We might turn back but it seems like a one-way that only crosses dirt tracks leading nowhere
Though it’s starting to get real dark, I think that this may be the trail that I might still be seeing
It’s not safe to hurry but we don’t know what time things close up around here

Maybe that was the right turn off, but now it’s way too far back to turn around
Our difficulty increases because we don’t speak the language and we have no map
After a while you’d think they’d have at least an occasional road marker
I finally gave up looking for signs at every fork in the trail and stuck to my gut

It’s too hot to travel during the day and far too misleading in the night
I’m finding it difficult to transition from being lost to merely wandering aimlessly
I wondered just when I would have enough time saved that I would not have to hurry
With the passing of the years I grow anxious to spy at last a heretofore unknown goal

We kept thinking we were almost there but could not ever really tell for sure
Too late we tried in vain to remember if we’d forgotten to do this or to pay that
When it finally stopped raining, the damp wind kept us cold but did not get us dry
I think now I need to go back over the scanty evidence looking for some new clues

After a long while I learned more from my dreams than from the books that I read
Arriving tired and dirty I kind of thought I probably had already seen this latest new sight
After a short rest we prepared to push on again despite our growth of misgivings
In a cove sheltered from the wind and waves we tried to regain our bearings

Finally, one day, the old dog just laid down beside the road and could not rise again
After months we realized the differences between vacationing and traveling
Once we were utterly lost there came signs to unknown places in all directions
The road I had firmly stuck to turned into a pigtrack and at last petered out in an arroyo

The one radio station we could get was broadcasted only unintelligible grunts and whistles
Later on, the children came out in every village just to witness the white strangers
At last we simply kept on going not really knowing anything better to do
If I only had but another battery I’m sure my GPS might get us safely on our way…

Criminal Capitalist Success Stories

I sold worthless disaster insurance policies at decaying trailer parks filled with meth labs
My business was chemical disposal but we just dumped the stuff in the woods at night
We bought the insurance policies of desperate cancer victims for pennies on the dollar
Our factory made baby formula from arsenic-tainted well water laced with melamine and chalk

I relieved them of their hard-earned cash by simply playing to their overwhelming greed
I knew about the 300 houses to be built right next door but the good family buyers did not ask
We bought condos with no down payment, rented them out and never paid back a cent
We sealed them in cargo ship freight containers and warned them not to make a sound

I made his martyr video for Allah but somehow the explosive vest detonated early, killing only him
Our miracle fat melting pill sold well until the feds forced us to close down and start over once again
We came up with a clear liquid that we claimed increased gas mileage by 40%
They outlawed exporting raw timber so we just shaved the bark and kept shipping it right on out

I profited selling off tracts in the country’s first national park after all the lumber had been removed
We stole the identities of the homeless whose beating deaths got a paragraph in the paper
We would trick old women into signing house notes that they could never hope to repay
People loved the specials I stirred up using puppies I got for free from the Lost and Found

I specialized in scraping huge fees from other people’s pain and suffering settlements
My firm contracted out insiders and ex-legislators to lobby for any cause that would pay us
We recruited the street corner illegales and shorted them at least 20% every day
We built giant SUVs, ORVs and dirt bikes and proudly said that’s what the people wanted

We made fortunes as military contractors as our government ginned up terrible enemies
We made vast sums on credit cards, steering consumers into negative savings rates
I profited greatly acting as a middleman for those desperate enough to sell their internal organs
We sold patriotic plastic decal flags made at toxic-vapor-filled sweatshops overseas

We moved our 50 year old company’s headquarters to Bermuda to save on taxes
We closed and abandoned our domestic factories leaving behind poisoned messes
We entered bankruptcy so we could renege on all our pension and bond obligations
We outsourced all our production to China but jealously guarded our American brand name

We worked them 14 hours per day for six days every week
We crammed them 20 to a room without any running water
They were exposed to every kind of poisonous industrial chemical there was
We paid off the local officials to allow us to continue dumping every night

We set their goals and just took the profits and later denied any knowledge at our trials
I had another credit card so I kept on playing knowing that my luck would change
Once they declared us too big to fail we knew we were still in the driver’s seat
Our merger formula always included layoffs, benefit cuts, offshoring and fat bonuses for us

I was drinking heavily and could not hold an honest job but then father paid my way into politics
We charged them $1500 to help them with their debts and never talked to them again
I kept my whores high and pimped them until they grew too sickly and unattractive
We did 4 or 5 pyramid schemes and bought a Hummer to pull our big new speed boat

I misappropriated all their donations and blamed it on the fundamentalist insurgents
She would not sleep with me so I had her fired and had them deny her unemployment
My lawyer told them that I welcomed the opportunity to prove my innocence
Industry supporters drafted me a statement calling for further study, which we never did

They had me label them as dead-enders and we continued passing out fat arms contracts
We enriched the dictators as long as they allowed our donors to export their resources
We all made big money ruining their lives with these fancy mortgage derivative schemes
His widow paid me to handle the details so I collected his checks and used up all his credit

Population growth assured us cheap unskilled labor to maintain our artificial prosperity
We became rich heroes burying the country’s best farmland beneath sweatshop factories
We produced nothing but poisonous, throwaway plastic shit, all of it strictly for export
It was cheaper to pay off local officials than to comply with the new environmental regulations

I paid them pennies for their hand work and exhorted them to be proud of their great culture
We hopped gleefully aboard clean energy by re-branding our coal strip-mining solution as green
We had them call for market-driven healthcare but made them disallow volume discounts
We sold their trusting asses guaranteed annuities backed by nothing but our empty advertising

We flooded their valley villages for UN funded hydro but they sold the power to foreign lands
I labeled them as terrorists and split up the aid funds from the CIA among my cronies
We set up customer support so that everyone waited at least 5 minutes, hearing horrible music
We avoided regulation, ran amok and then secured no-string bailouts by blackmailing the markets

We were able to deny responsibility by noting that we had outsourced foreign ingredients
We produced overseas, saving big with fairly good quality and hardly raised our prices
We prospered putting more into advertising and doctor payoffs than researching new drugs
Somehow I landed this cushy liaison job at Exxon-Mobil after my stint over at the EPA

It was sheer genius to call for Personal Responsibility after the layoffs and benefit cancellations
We found that soft music and images of children worked for arms producers as well as candidates
We profited greatly from a green ad campaign, muted packaging and a 25% price increase
We had our political lackeys denounce it as junk science and halt regulation for more research

Our foreign-flagged fleet strip-mined the oceans but our ads showed frolicking dolphins
We convinced them we required massive yearly bonuses to avoid total financial meltdown
We advertised that we fed the world as we drove small farmers to bankruptcy and suicide
I retired rich to my locked compound and supervised the writing of my wise and folksy memoirs

They Win But We're Not Playing

They’ll cash in big, real soon now, on real estate, hot stocks or maybe even gold
We never gamble, don’t buy new cars and so very rarely even go out for dinner

They still spend more than they earn on things they casually ruin, then quickly discard
We saved enough to retire early but we continue buying their new castoffs at the thrift stores

Five days a week and fifty weeks a year they toil in nondescript obscurity
We’re making more than that on just the interest from our nerdy savings

Got to have that flash new sports sedan and the latest giant whatever screen TV
We live large and free driving old cars among them - And they do not even see us

Chained to credit cards and mortgages, their spoiled children act as a heavy ballast
It’s so nice to be debtless and not even have any rent to pay…except for health insurance

They march at precise and artificial angles laid out by simpering project managers
Finally cast aside for good, our days of narrow specialization are done at last

Heading up and moving out on all those weekends which are so quickly forgotten
We spend months wandering this land, often just trying hard simply to avoid their herds

Loading up on lattes, Big Gulps, and drive-thrus they spend freely and grow fat
We buy the good stuff raw and cook it up ourselves, while sipping an inexpensive tea

They get real work done on their cells even while languishing for hours in endless traffic jams
Our slow pace infuriates them on their busy ways to their latest very important tasks

Their children cannot read or write despite all their attentions and the latest in meds
We wonder every day at the shabbier world their parents are de-constructing for them

They get news between commercials and their opinions are spun from clever sound bites
We spit out media pellets like our dogs cough out the bitter pills we place into their food

They save a lot at Wal*Mart while imports rise in proportion to jobs disappearing
We find that which lasts, even in the modern world, still remains the best

They push each other’s buttons to get their readouts on phony litmus issues
We play acting like we really care about either side of their deliberately false choices

Living for today was always real exciting but what do they remember now?
The fast times they enjoy have passed us by at last and we are not sad to see them gone

They are happy being spoon-fed their fundamentalist, evangelical beliefs
We are free to contemplate the terrible emptiness that approaches so very fast

They love fireworks, making noise and the excitement of crowds of clones
We search for peaceful quiet places, trying to fit in without making a mess

They eagerly suckle on all the pious bullshit RE: ‘ThE greatest country on the planet’
Now we hide our passports in shame traveling to places they cannot find on maps

They strive so hard to make their unique mark within the confines of the herd
We regularly get the crap kicked out of us by them for being a little different

Their rights include free clean air, unlimited good water from their taps and cheap garbage removal
We see what people in upstream places pour back for the towns down below them to enjoy

In their constrained view it’s animals and trees versus people, jobs and our sacred way of life
We are cursed by the belief that we are destroying the very web of life that supports our society

Ancient, ignored and irrelevant history slides along, an ancient 10 to 15 years behind them
We consider some of our thoughts in light of the estimated age of the universe

Theirs is satisfaction in fertilized, poisoned, over-watered factory bluegrass
We look to experience climax forests with their food chains entirely intact

They want either money from the government or the right to kill any wolf they see
We want their welfare cattle to stop abusing our federal lands for next to nothing

They search for the cheapest factory foods, never mind its manner of production
We want to eat cleanly, morally and sustainably and will gladly pay a little more to do it

They never miss reality shows, packaged corporate ‘big games’ or special presentations
We found if you ignore them, such bees quickly stop buzzing between your ears

They idle their SUVs in air-conditioned comfort awaiting their fast food orders
We try to find the shade when it’s hot and stir up something cool to drink

Their patriotic acceptance of our dEfense costs us nearly a trillion, every year
We see no justification in spending more than all rest of the countries combined

They feel safe driving overpriced, inefficient dinosaurs designed to wear out quickly
We enjoy our tiny fuel-efficient cars, full of gizmos and very comfortable

Make theirs quick, hyper-sweetened, greasy-fat-laden and heavily caffeinated
We’ll have the more subtle, smaller, whole-grain, homemade portions, please

They pursue angry recreation in noisy, smoggy, devastating gas-powered toys
We hike, swim, ski, surf, kayak, board - And can still hear our surroundings

Theirs is a world of backbiting, political intrigues and private boardroom schemes
Our quiet search of self-discovery reveals the destruction spreading out about their footprints

Their god commands they conquer the land and treat its creatures in any way they deem fit
Our beliefs tend towards mutual survival within largely intact ecosystems

They feel safe behind locked doors within brightly-lit, gated and patrolled communities
We camp alone in empty places and draw peace from the starry stillness

Their god moves about in his mysterious and fundamentalist ways
Our god has no will or message and neither watches over nor awaits us

They leave a tattered, overpopulated world to their very special children
We blew off reproduction in protest of their vast and thoughtless destruction

They plaster their faces, get botoxed and send their poodles off to the spas
We push aside most of their designer castoffs pawing through the thrift stores

Their new 300 horsepower SUV gives them a sense of pride and security
Our aging Japanese economy cars simply make more sense to us

They flaunt their financed luxuries in hopes all the world will be impressed
We hide our wealth and travel like burnt-out gypsies on pilgrimages to real experiences

They look away when they meet us walking, say in the grocery store
We try to ignore them in their idling mortgaged cars, talking noisily on their phones

Their giant empty second homes are where their families might someday gather
Our persistence retains the access to the public lands they are trying to fence off

Their children fuel the market for garishly colored cereal shot through with sugar
Cheap hot dogs and pus-like white buns would go bad if it were only us buying

They have rolled more long term credit card debt into their houses than they are worth
We sold our place before their greedy speculative bubble began to pop

Their taste for excitement, color, noise and crowds keeps their senses full
Our search for quiet peace and tranquility always begins with avoiding them

They sternly lecture everyone that maintenance of the economy must come first
We just don’t see how this wasteful circus could play on for a thousand years

They control the human landscape and to them so-called progress is quite inevitable
We will be extinguished due to their actions, right along beside them

The Siren Call To Arms

Those who lead us so bravely into war never seem to carry any weapons
Those forced to do the dying never had a quarrel with those they are told to kill
Merchants profiting, go dressed as patriots and keep their children safe at home
Society must fill the youth who might refuse them with the guilt of cowardly traitors

Politicians call upon the lord to bless us in our righteous struggle with the heathen
Mothers sigh and shake their heads as they wipe away their bitter tears
Propaganda tells of our great victories and of enemies who would eat our children
Crippled soldiers return lost and mortally embittered by the pursuit of duty’s glory

The military is instructed to keep the flag-draped coffins away from the public’s eyes
Thus does every small town come to realize, that only its heroes come home in caskets
Leaders demand support for their false causes so that our fallen sons do not die in vain
The alienated lament the sacrifices made for the mere vanity of those in charge

Younger brothers eagerly await the day they can proudly join the elder sons
A father’s cautionary tale cannot be heard for the media’s call to explosive glory
Unquestioned annual increases pile upon already utterly unimaginable military spending
Unlike welfare, only the unpatriotic ask for a reckoning as to where dEfense money goes

Complicit religious leaders praise our cause and lead us in sponsored prayer for our troops
A pitifully small minority foolishly appeal to mercy, love, reason and understanding
Conservative elected officials abhor the gloom and doom claptrap of that liberal media
Their own hand-crafted stories are, however, often exposed as clumsy pre-fabrications

We are told of vast, loose but well-organized networks of highly-trained enemies
We see only a few dirty bearded men in tire sandals dragged from 3rd world slums and caves
Our path is foolish, arrogant, badly-planned and stubbornly incorrect
They preach that we cannot afford the just consequences of their own immoral stupidity

We are told dissent over ill-conceived and shortsighted policies gives aid to our enemies
But, that our self-anointed exceptionism provides us a strong moral armor going forward
Squishy, feminine calls for peace have been marginalized into the ridiculous
They have finally sown a hardy hatred and disrespect for us, throughout the entire world

But you’ll be better fathers and husbands for having seen terrified children maimed
They’ll ask if you killed terrorists and you’ll see their frightened faces once again
You won’t talk much about it because others wouldn’t understand
Why you’ll probably even work hard to end this vile practice of war, I am quite sure

Vagabond Koans (3)

The Hi-tech Seaside Ratrace
Tearing out fenceposts and chopping down billboards
Overturning gas pumps and upsetting microwaves
Throwing down cell androids and smashing new iPhones
Dreaming again, I awake feeling refreshed

The president is to address the nation
Mass media picks up the proper sound bites
His makeup is good and his tie is correct
Well he delivers those choice words of others

Fierce Renaissance corporate Amazon
Hard-driving executrix /Slash/ loving mother
Stalled in traffic with her electronic organizer
sips on her strong espresso thru a chiseled face

Feeling bottom, standing up, pitching over in a splintering crash
Spuming wall of white water rolls
Vaporous hissing rush up the sand
Another swell has arrived

Making rapid progress towards goals as yet unspecified
Hypnotized by the grand illusion shared by the hive
Ever storing up even more saved up time
Constant acceleration towards eternal oblivion

Cypress lapping predawn fog
Sound of waves from left to right
Silence oozes through the background
Time to be ready to be free

Master of the universe in yet another silver BMW
Possessed of many exotic baubles he cannot understand or afford
In an endless marketing loop of material-based self-actualization
Considers the smog-encumbered sunset, stalled again on the freeway

Snoring loud enough to wake us up
Deaf beyond alerting us
Farting and dream kicking the nights away
Dear old dogs, we love them so

There’s No Hiding From Our Own Advances

You’ll have to breathe what’s in the air to live more than about ten short minutes
You can’t avoid the dirty things smeared about as you fall towards the ground

There’s no real ignoring the poverty enjoyed by most everybody here
You’ll always have to hear the un-muffled trucks pounding by in their clumsy and ignorant glee

The jets will still be floating so far and wide above you, all so safe and clean
You must drink the water sometime, from a source that you will just have to trust

Unbidden solicitations will assault you, from all directions, at every moment
The food that you must eat to sustain you may poison you all at once, or over time

There’s no hiding from their bulldozers, earthmovers or giant noisy dump trucks
You can’t avoid the angry crowds from the swarming plague of overpopulation

This next upcoming pandemic will be an important milestone in your short time
You’ll experience the warmest years in recorded history, for the rest of your life

There will be a chance to contemplate the vehicles standing idle for lack of fuel
You can watch videos of empty factories for which they once destroyed good farmland

You will observe with amazement how quickly the skein of civilization can unravel
There’s no avoiding the filthy mud and yet there’s no way to clean your shoes

We can all learn to go to sleep dirty once again and wake up scratching and hungry
There’s no hiding from the all-pervasive propaganda of the competing cults of personality

You must endure the pounding of giant helicopter blades, far too close for comfort
His self-appointed representatives on here earth will drive His Will deep into your brain

Happiness will come much easier and center upon food, clothing and shelter
There’s no hiding from the toxic fugitive dust in any of our so-called great cities

You will be martyred in a jihad you do not understand for a promised place in some fuzzy heaven
Once the conglomerates have used you up, you will never work again

Watch as everything but military spending is pared back to next to nothing
Observe with incredulity the vast array of perverse crimes that make up the news

Don’t try to avoid every pothole or you’ll never get to where you must be going
There’s no hiding all your symptoms from the many problems you did not create

Dawn Patrol

In the quiet coolness of the early morning, it’s best not to rush around or lay asleep
In this brief interlude we can try to restore a certain measure of calm and levelheaded thinking

There’s lots of time when the sun is high to do more than a full day of work
But the early morning light is a precious thing of which there never is quite enough

As the end of night begins turning gray you can often even see right back into the past
A bit of fading sleep intoxication only adds to the wonder

Maybe a full moon still casts its own shadows, even after a pale December sunrise
In june the sky takes a while to fully waken because dawn comes so very early

You’ve got to stand outside first, just to be sure that all the stars are still in place
You must watch the colors slowly return with the advancing pre-dawn light

It is a waste of life’s best hour to hurry about blindly, just to get to work
This time is yours for contemplation, creation or some kind of meditation

The quiet hidden spring can be located before the noise of our folly fully resumes
The center of that large circle can be found and marked once again

The day of the week surely does not matter for this time always belongs only to you
There’s not yet need to shout to be heard or to concentrate hard just to form simple thoughts

In the early morning clarity, the foolishness of all their bullshit becomes quite apparent
muddied thoughts have cleared overnight to briefly reveal what’s important, once again

And there is no mistaking when it is over for another day
It’s not like our foolish jobs which never seem to end

Maybe you will hear the calling of the gulls, doves, roosters or the waking songbirds
Sometimes there are only answers and you must match up the proper questions

You cannot hurry it or slow it or save it but you can simply be there to enjoy it
There are daily lessons and inspirations in the quiet change from dark to light

There is no way to see it changing, but when you glance away, it becomes subtly different
Look inside and the gathering day gathers you up as well

In the quiet of the early morning you can remain very still but nonetheless grow quite alert
Shattering this peaceful calm is not a task that should be so commonplace for us, as human beings

I cannot reconstruct my tortured path

I cant even remember the holiday I anticipated so much just five years ago this week
I have forgotten most of their foolish causes but still vaguely recall my many rages
I barely recollect any those so very vital projects they had me work on way back then
But I do recall with fondness how often we laughed heartily as they squirmed

I don’t remember the many media events that I just could not miss
I know that I had been drinking but I don’t know what we did
I remember that we were there but not really where it was
I do not recall most of those people I see in all of your old pictures

But, my chosen memories grow ever stronger, the more that I use them
I would like to forget his blinding avarice and my unwitting cruelty
I cannot reconstruct my tortured path on this grotesquely twisted journey
It was not at all easy to notice when it started, since I turned this gray so very slowly

I do not remember where we were going but, yeah, I guess we did see that
We both just smile when they tell us that we have not changed at all
I’m not sure how we got there but I recall what we ate
You remember, it was raining, so we just sat there in the car

It takes several minutes to recite just those places where I lived
What was that expensive hobby that came and went so long ago
I have forgotten the gifts we gave each other throughout those hurried years
I don’t remember all those who kicked me down, heading for the top

His name was there just a moment ago, on the tip of my tongue
I have no idea of her name but recall the grace within her walk
Sometimes I awake not knowing if I only just arrived in this unfamiliar place
Though her memories fade, my grandmother often appears clearly in my dreams

I don’t remember the last thing she said that time just before I never saw her again
At least I have forgotten most of the shitheads who parroted stupid orders to us
I cannot understand why I routinely drank myself into an un-refreshing sleep
Yes, I remember the name of that place you’re talking about, but not a thing about it

I still remember the way you smelled in that dress you bought down in Mexico
Before a certain time I have no memories of any kind, good or bad
When I pass once more into the void there will be no more new memories made
And I still don’t know where the old ones will go when I no longer tend them

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Hel-lo-o, stubbornly staying on message is mere propagandizing, not holding the line on socialism
Slash the foolish military budget right in half before it chokes us all to death
Realize that god does not provide you guilt-free disclaimers for your political decisions
Stop trying to muzzle scientific research using political debates, buzzwords and sound bites

Wake up - The facts are long in on global warming or climate change or whatever you want to call it
‘Property rights’ to small streams are an empty shibboleth for your faceless corporate investors
Stop ignoring the recycling hybrid drivers on energy efficiency and alternatives to smash and grab
‘Local Control’ simply empowers outside developers in their formulaic coast-to-coast rape and ruin

Freedom and democracy do not magically emerge overnight from foreign war, rubble and poverty
Look, gun rights, abortion and gay marriage are really not the most important issues that we face
Hel-lo-o, France is not even the enemy, you alternatively-gifted, brainwashed and illiterate pawns
Your fundamentalist, evangelical, literalist brand of heaven is but a comic fairytale to the godless

Evolution is not enemy to any non-dogmatic religion but adds to its deep and insoluble mysteries
Demagogic fundamentalism is way too simple, childlike and constraining for literate adults
For god’s sake at least clean the restrooms in the national parks
Yo, mover and shaker - that house of yours is not some go-go investment instrument

You will be cast aside by employers but still need to work to survive, in your golden years
Credit cards are not the way to maintain a phony lifestyle despite your negative savings rate
Hel-lo-o, we are not building a better world through our mindless mass consumption
Our military spending is infinitely more wasteful than our ‘failed’ social programs

Further breaks for the rich have never trickled down and floated the poor up out of poverty
Your precise information control is not conducive to the open and free society you brag we enjoy
Health insurance and early learning programs are cheaper than prisons and emergency rooms
‘Gaming’ is one more vice pimped by corporations for the government, just like alcohol and tobacco

Your overpaid, unregulated military contractors are running amok, armed and on steroids
Holy wars over resources have failed many times before we ‘invented’ them once again
Hel-lo-o, how is simply mortgaging future generations better than taxing and spending?
You fucking idiots voted for Bush & Obama twice so don’t even look for someone to blame

BigAg’s ethanol is no energy alternative but actually a well-tuned subsidy-lobbying effort
You have led us from the world’s summit into a dark and deepening box canyon
The pitiful, foolish, lazy, ignorant and undeserving hang on your every sponsored word
You cannot discredit honest science with a merest smirking grin & the imperially dismissive wave

I’d call for all your impeachment sirs, but I am but another squishy, cut-and-runner
No, we are not better off or more secure than before this dark time began
America the fat and ignorant cowboy bully is such a shameful, humiliating image
Hel-lo-o, your god did not appoint you sheriff and moral compass to the world

It’s pretty hard to cut and run as the setting cement of cultural decline reaches up to our knees
Contrary to your baseless rhetoric, clean air and pure water do not compete against jobs and money
Leave the Middle East to sort it out for themselves in the stinking desert, without our petro-dollars
Evolution does not rise up against your sacred Bible as yet another Creation Myth to be smitten

GM, Ford and Chrysler are as out of touch as yourselves and the aging senate
Hel-lo-o, mommy doesn’t need a faux armored troop carrier to take the kids to school
Look, you can’t afford two lattes and a $12 lunch every day, you clueless chump
Increasing population to pay our debts will ruin our lifestyle as well as the environment

Producing food like lightbulbs poisons the earth and destroys the sanctity of our family meals
You will never find that account from which to draw that time you are always striving to save
Don’t leave us ignorant and poor to make China rich, innovative and ecologically-devastated
Make them depend on our water technologies, our energy innovations and our food stuffs

You have no right or reason to mouth ‘God Bless America’ after every speech you did not write
This wasn’t, isn’t and won’t be God’s Country and we surely are no chosen & exceptionist people
Jesus cannot and would not guide you with your foolish military decision-making
There are way, way too many black men in your fabulously overpriced and outsourced prisons

Clean air, pure water and intact ecosystems actually are also valuable and finite economic resources
Hel-lo-o, a sustainable economy does not threaten your precious Traditional Family Values©
Just stop with the blatantly-hypocritical, faith-based, saber-rattling and moralizing, already
Look, this is just an undeveloping country on a small but lucky planet,
circling an average yellow star, in a so-so spiral galaxy, in one of many possible universes