Friday, April 15, 2011

Dawn Patrol

In the quiet coolness of the early morning, it’s best not to rush around or lay asleep
In this brief interlude we can try to restore a certain measure of calm and levelheaded thinking

There’s lots of time when the sun is high to do more than a full day of work
But the early morning light is a precious thing of which there never is quite enough

As the end of night begins turning gray you can often even see right back into the past
A bit of fading sleep intoxication only adds to the wonder

Maybe a full moon still casts its own shadows, even after a pale December sunrise
In june the sky takes a while to fully waken because dawn comes so very early

You’ve got to stand outside first, just to be sure that all the stars are still in place
You must watch the colors slowly return with the advancing pre-dawn light

It is a waste of life’s best hour to hurry about blindly, just to get to work
This time is yours for contemplation, creation or some kind of meditation

The quiet hidden spring can be located before the noise of our folly fully resumes
The center of that large circle can be found and marked once again

The day of the week surely does not matter for this time always belongs only to you
There’s not yet need to shout to be heard or to concentrate hard just to form simple thoughts

In the early morning clarity, the foolishness of all their bullshit becomes quite apparent
muddied thoughts have cleared overnight to briefly reveal what’s important, once again

And there is no mistaking when it is over for another day
It’s not like our foolish jobs which never seem to end

Maybe you will hear the calling of the gulls, doves, roosters or the waking songbirds
Sometimes there are only answers and you must match up the proper questions

You cannot hurry it or slow it or save it but you can simply be there to enjoy it
There are daily lessons and inspirations in the quiet change from dark to light

There is no way to see it changing, but when you glance away, it becomes subtly different
Look inside and the gathering day gathers you up as well

In the quiet of the early morning you can remain very still but nonetheless grow quite alert
Shattering this peaceful calm is not a task that should be so commonplace for us, as human beings

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