Thursday, July 12, 2012

Freeways And Wildlife Sanctuaries

You can hear the seagulls and the breakers slightly off to one side
While the semis jake brake and the cars whiz by the Amtrac trains on the other
They are protecting several tiny endangered plant species found only here -
In the slope up to the freeway exit behind another new Super Target

The elephant seals have begun to re-appear after being mass-slaughtered a century ago
Priuses tailgate Cadillac SUVs in unending lines through smog-enhanced sunsets
There is a green recycling bin by each one of the many public garbage cans
But, Yosemite valley is a twisty, overcrowded maze of dusty, half-lost traffic

The bread is good and there are organic fruits and vegetables readily available
Stores and houses crowd the farmland down to the tiny coastal butterfly reserves
Progressive is not an insulting word and alternative thinking abounds
The radio dial sports more Christianity than Country but less than Spanish FA-MA

They are protecting the beach nesting areas of the endangered snowy sand plover
Thirty-five million people already live here and more arrive every single day
There may still be good, un-crowded surf breaks just a short ways up the central coast
They pipe stolen water 500 miles to try and quench LA’s vast unending thirst

Chances are a freeway will take you to that remotest wilderness area
It’s all handicapped accessible and the poor earn money collecting all the recyclable litter
The gasoline pumps are fitted with vapor-trapping devices to fight the air pollution
Retirees carefully fuel their 70’ motor homes which tow monstrous SUVs

Bears roaming through the campsites are exciting nighttime entertainment
Having a flat out on an urban freeway might just cost you your life
They got commuter trains and carpool lanes and a host of ecological tax incentives
Quite often you don’t have an average speed, stalled somewhere out on The 5

The economy is hi-tech, service-oriented and among the world’s largest
Swarms of the brown people’s decrepit vehicles surround a myriad of small plots
The climate is mild along the coast, tending towards forgiving and inviting
There really is no end to the traffic but sometimes it’s a little lighter

Volunteer ‘docentes’ help to raise public awareness of the treasures to be preserved
It’s really hard to tell if they are moving ahead any faster than they fall behind
Cute little signs urge us not to dump because these drains all flow into our bay
Still, Tijuana, but 10 miles down, pours all its raw sewage into the ocean every day

These people buy more hybrid cars than any place else on earth
Their mammoth shining RVs consume power like apartments in slow motion
Every owner counts on the high six figures and above from the investment that is their home
The lucky urban poor raise children at campgrounds, fairly near to where they were born

They are protecting the fuzzy otters in the lush green kelp beds just offshore
Their organic spinach infected with migrant E. Coli sometimes finds its way into our markets

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dented Souls

Out of alignment, bent and maybe a bit off-center
Scratched, used and badly in need of being trued
Rolling like dinged hubcaps mounted crookedly upon wobbly wheels
Always pulling towards the side of the dusty roads they travel

Dented souls with heavy parts sliding around inside when you turn them over
Fractured souls poorly splinted up using broken dreams and lame excuses
Lacerated souls oozing a clear morality into the dirty gutters
Bruised and contused, swelling and stiffening up

Souls grown bent from facing an eternal wind of dogmatic religious propaganda
Layers of grease built up on their undersides from long years on the roads
Rusting, unused souls in our institutions and cemeteries
Souls slowly turning to stone at a rate we cannot sense

Abraded beyond their working tolerance, they squeak and complain
Sagging souls still carrying far too much commercial traffic
Used and recycled, gradually losing the elasticity of their spirituality
Souls with broken and missing parts that won’t boot up no more

Lost souls found at last, spinning slowly in quiet, forgotten eddies
Cut deeply into by sharp objects on their tender and sensitive surfaces
Corroding under decades of the musty-smelling sediments of tears
Splintered souls with sharp and nasty looking edges

Squeaking, un-lubricated social joints and broken shock absorbers
Failing cooling systems and batteries that cannot hold a charge
Souls eviscerated and left to dry oiut in a hot wind, under a merciless sun
Crooked going gnarled, forgetful heading towards dementia

Dropped and cracked souls, not thrown away but likewise, never fixed or used
Fuses blown and then simply removed and live wires twisted together
Dusty souls with grime embedded into cracked surface joints
Attacked by parasites and pestered by noisy, biting charlatans

Mass-produced to last ‘forever’ without any provision for maintenance or repair
Clogged, narrowed and constricted and without any warranty
Factory-sealed but broken open to expose the non-user serviceable parts within
Bloated souls decomposing at the high tide mark on cosmic desert islands

This Ain’t No Boating Accident

This ain’t no tv game show
We won’t be back after some brief message
You won’t need no pain relief
Don’t bother getting up for another beer

this ain’t no traffic incident
oh, we’re way past the last exit ever
go ahead and drink and drive
no need to watch the gas gauge

this ain’t no office party
don’t need no burgers, chips or beer
forget about the sexy secretaries
go ahead and wax your boss

this ain’t no tango lesson
you won’t step on no one’s feet
don’t worry about your shoes
for this will cure that loneliness

this ain’t no drinking binge
don’t bother to swear off again
there won’t be nothing you can’t remember
you’ll never have another hangover

this ain’t no clearance sale
you can’t save no extra money
you can just ignore them newer ads
you got much more than you’ll need

this ain’t no dream vacation
don’t try and fit in that new bikini
you might as well kick way back
the flight home never can arrive

this ain’t no midnight snack
you don’t need to hold the anchovies
you won’t get gas in the night
you can’t gain no more weight

this ain’t no boating accident
jesus ain’t tossing you no lifeline
you can’t drown and you can’t swim
you can’t breathe the air or the water

this ain’t no household chore
you can’t hide out in the garage
there’s nobody gonna nag you
there ain’t no mess to be cleaned up

this ain’t no bible study group
that red ribbon won’t hold your place
you ain’t got a psalm to stand on
you won’t testify in the void

this ain’t no boring family picnic
they won’t pass you jello salad
don’t have to kiss some aunt’s hairy chin
they won’t even have to leave you alone

this ain’t no gambling junket
you don’t need to find a stake
forget about free meals in deluxe hotel suites
you ain’t the one who holds the dice

this ain’t no old folks home
don’t try to stay awake for the kids
you don’t need to roll outside
they’ll come get you in your bed

this ain’t no petty insult
don’t get all like quiet and pissy
no need to act like we’re not here
you won’t know you’re all alone

this ain’t no drug support group
it don’t matter if you’re clean and sober
there ain’t another day to take one at a time
don’t have to introduce yourself as an abuser

this ain’t no friggin camping trip
won’t be roasting any weenies
don’t worry about the sleeping bags
don’t even be afraid of the bears

this ain’t no weekly department meeting
don’t bother fabricating any fairytales
can’t use no visual aids
sucking up ain’t gonna help

this ain’t no kiddies bad dream
you can’t hide beneath the covers
nobody’s gonna come when you cry
the monster’s finally gonna get you

this ain’t no benefit dinner
they won’t seek a financial commitment
you won’t be eatin any rubber chicken
not gonna listen to no inspiring speakers

this ain’t no anger management class
we ain’t sorting out your issues
no need to be aware of your body’s signals
you won’t rage and scream or shout no more

this ain’t no construction detour
you ain’t getting back on the freeway
don’t even look for no street signs
it’s gotten way too dark to read

this ain’t no gaming getaway
you won’t need your extra credit card
it’s all going on your tab
you got nothing anybody wants no more

this ain’t no sports report
it’s all about your failing vital signs
it’s almost time for kick off
just maybe you could lift your head

this ain’t no Baptist revival
brother, you can’t hear Him call
judgment day’s been postponed for good
and jesus don’t know jack about it

this ain’t no birthday cake
it ain’t sweet but it’s stale
nobody’s singing happy birthday
them so-called presents ain’t for you

this ain’t no border crossing
don’t bother to try and sneak across
you got no valid papers
you ain’t goin out and you ain’t getting in

this ain’t no Lotto drawing
all them balls got your number
here’s a wad of free tickets
don’t even scratch ‘em, you’re already a winner

this ain’t no commercial message
they ain’t selling nothing here
you won’t hear no cheery jingles
you won’t need no persuading

this ain’t no final interview
don’t bother dressing up
no need to smile and flash your résumé
you’re already ensured a position

this ain’t no military operation
you won’t even need your weapons
you ain’t been trained to get through this
you ain’t got no squad to fight with

this ain’t no wedding reception
you can’t get drunk and spoil her day
don’t matter if you don’t got no ring
this won’t qualify as a honeymoon

this ain’t no family garage sale
leave your junk in the closets
don’t bother laying stuff out real nice
nobody wants that shit, no how

this ain’t no natural disaster
god ain’t smiting them heathen again
stay out of the basement shelter
they’re already tagging your dead body

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Rhythms Of Wandering

Twilight scouting out another quiet place
Untying our knotted hiking laces
Calling of the morning birds
Arising slowly amid a trickling peace

Well-used wool sweater, safe and warm
Our old dog, thick and furly
Quiet Fall mornings strung like amber beads
The warm smell of crusty new bread baking
Simple joy of your soft brown eyes

Breathing gently through restful sleep
Catching sight of forest dwellers
Changing tools and rhythms to make them better
Sloughing off our unused burdens
Sensing the complicated in the simple

Sleeping deeply in big tree shadows
Hearing small creek again as we awaken
Freed at last of choking specialization
Coming slowly together with the dawn,
Neither at work nor on vacation

Traveling widely yet always home
Mending socks and fixing breakdowns
Finding water and planning meals
Picking up yet another’s trash
Retiring early, safe in the darkness

Drying happily in a sunny breeze
Looking forward to our own cooking
Watching bees work on autumn flowers
Lingering where we really like it
Sipping wine and making music

My Most Black Swan Dreams

Black Swan - an unpredictable or unforeseen event, typically one with extreme consequences
If I could apologize to everyone I should, I’d gladly take all the time that I would need
Should there be a way for me to find just a little grace, you can bet that I would surely seek it
Give me but the time to practice a bit of mercy and I would become quite accomplished
If there was a way to thank all those helping me so invisibly, why, I would do it publicly

If I could stop my organic wastes from ever again polluting, you can bet I would
If it could only be, I would not generate any more plastic trash
Were there another way, my car would not belch a single molecule of CO2
If it were possible, these soaps and creams of ours would not harm those graceful fish

If I could stem our swarming, destructive overpopulation, why you know, I just might
I would gladly ban the wasteful, foolish, childlike religious practice known as war
I could happily do without soulless widgets of factory holocaust meat, given tasty alternatives
If possible, I would even turn off every wasteful, paranoid night light, just to see the stars

I would generate my own clean power right at home, given a real opportunity
If I never had to commute to work again, that would suit me just fine
Where can I buy but things not made by far off wage slaves working 14 hour days?
If I could make the choice, my lawn would not be merely an expensive, wasteful, poisonous carpet

If I could only make it so, I would decree that my greed become quite a bit less wasteful
With the right opportunity, I could possibly gain just a touch of humility
Given half a chance, I would tax all forms of noise above a certain decibel
If I would ever run for office, no one else but me would be writing my speeches

If someone like me could become a tabloid star, this would not be the world that we know so well
Should I get elected, neither party nor lobbyist would get to call my dancing tune
When I would finally stop trying to be different, I could start to make a real difference
If I could give up everything, I might finally see how much excess I actually have

If there was a way, I would stop up my lame complaining with a little real work
Should the greedy not take such cynical advantage, I could volunteer more time
You would see a different person if I could just view things in a different light
If I could shed my love of violence, I might find some small trace of tranquility within

If we knew our fathers, generations back, perhaps we would not scorn all the elders
Should I actually find something to say at last, I might lose my fear of silence
Given a new religion, I would put my vast but unused reservoir of faith to some good use
If I had some real reasons, I could dispense with all of my half-baked excuses

If it were just left up to me, I would try and slow this fleeting blur
If I could but begin again, I’m certain I could correct all the errors of my pride and folly
If I finally became conscious, I’d undo all the damage I have so thoughtlessly brought forth

If I lost my voice but had learned but a single song, I bet I could hum it silently, forever

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Vagabond Koans (1)

West Slope Sierra
Utterly impressed by their sheer size
They made sure they could cut them down
Now only giant stumps lay decomposing
neither logging nor tourist jobs remain

in the land of milk and honey, organic internet
there are still small towns with real people
where a young man might make a living for a family
while thirty million thirsty souls swarm the smoggy cities

basso profundo pickup truck
shatters peaceful predawn stillness
dumbass rumble at last dissipates
merciful silence refills his empty space

in the creaking breeze awaiting,
the stroke of god in the sunlight
bursting out with pregnant silence
mere sequoia emitting oxygen and grace

buying wood for the metal campfire ring
to cook the trout dumped from a truck
locked safely within his mobile modular
behold the happy camper

warm against the autumn frost
quiet there beside the lake
soaking in that radiant silence
full moon sets at nearly dawn

still gurgling over polished autumn granite
slurping into holes and eddies
sierra stream carries on its business
and then the reservoir

from out the wide smog-choked, dusty central valley
sheer sierra wilderness rises to catch the snow
the big trees and bigger mountains soar
barely beyond it spreads that awful desert

Monday, April 18, 2011

Long After One More Lost Holiday

Coming back from some long lost weekend or another,
You asked me did I remember such and such or so and so
It was from a time in a place that I had previously long awaited
But it took me a while to dredge up a couple jumbled recollections

Then I tried to remember the distinct holidays from different years
But there was no ordered collection with little notes and titles on their spines
There was this hazy blur from which things sometimes arose,
Like fish rising from the depths of murky moving water

All those highly-anticipated, well-orchestrated life events gone by
Full of joy and recreation, people and relaxation,
Now tumbled about on my rough journey in a worn out box of memories
Events and details mixed up forever, far beyond any disentanglement

After the holiday, came the realization of the once again onrushing ordinary
I never had time to unpack and to file our time together
It quickly disappeared in our daily wake, right along with your suntan
Sometimes I found its artifacts as I cleaned out the garage

For some reason or whatever we ask each other
Where were we on that Labor Day, three years ago
I could not remember what we had done
You did not recall where we had stayed

The kids do not remember all those special places that we took them
Your mother died 5 years ago asking for you to go and bring you to her
I find another page of recollections that I give up trying to put in order
We both draw blanks and we just look back through each other’s eyes

After the holiday, as I awaken, before the first visit of my morning nurse