Grow all our crops organically, simply as the standard way
to farm
Raise animals on proper food, outside of feedlots and render
them with dignity
Do not increase population to artificially pump up the
economy just to pay off our debts
End the dependence on cheap asian imports and expensive
caliphate petroleum
Learn to expect added features in conjunction with increased
Dismantle the arthritic political parties and scatter those
wretched lobbyists
Pioneer and profit from clean and inexpensive ocean water
desalinization technology
Simply and irreversibly cut the military budget in half over
the next ten years
Set an entrepreneurial example in greenhouse gas reduction
for the world
Rebuild our roads, bridges, dams, electric grid, water
systems and the internet
Restore our international reputation, respect and moral
Awaken our people from this mindless, hyper-consumptive
advertising hypnosis
The old should again welcome their age and the youth once
more look to them for wisdom
Let us lose the fear of simple and natural silence that
forces us into mindless noise
Dismantle the multinationals which happily abandon us all to
equal global poverty
Conduct all government business within our borders only in
Multitask the mega-churches into low cost health clinics and
lifelong learning centers
Tax all the powerful religious franchises like any other
corporate entity
Properly count the underemployed and those ‘no longer
seeking’ among the unemployed
Stop us lusting after ATVs, jet skis, snowmobiles,
dirtbikes, speedboats and RVs
Ignore the phony urgency of their unimportant deadlines on
all those meaningless projects
Ask where this is made and that is grown and of their unseen
costs to the earth
Address the whys and therefores of this foolish and lost war
on drugs
Abandon the Middle East to fly-plagued sectarian violence
under the merciless desert sun
Don’t bother raising their retirement ages when they haven’t
a chance at finding a job
Get old with the dignity of a decaying tree and not like a
discarded fast food wrapper
End our leader’s dependence on public ignorance for the
success of their bribed agendas
Make mine small, built-to-last, extremely efficient but,
nonetheless, quite luxurious
Realize that bipartisan legislative paralysis is not
mandated by our constitution
Let us be liberal and squishy on some issues and
bullheadedly conservative on others
Reject phony choices and hot-button, wedge issue and litmus
test political campaigning
Make these political actors write their own goddamn speeches
for Christ’s stupid sake
Somehow, just make our healthcare system as cheap and
efficient as theirs and we’ll be just fine
Abolish the career politician and extinguish the
professional lobbyist
Protect our rivers, lakes, wetlands and oceans just like we
protect our own children
Drop infantile, literalist fundamentalism for a mature
wonder at divine uncertainty
Cultivate morality and love as our greatest weapons in our
un-winnable struggle
Get everybody pushing back energy into the grid from a
myriad of sources
Preserve and enforce the Endangered Species Act to re-create
intact ecosystems
Quit relying on an oversupply of young, cheap, uneducated
peasant labor for unsustainable growth
Realize that corporate profit goals are not broad enough to
set the world’s agenda
Re-use, refurbish, re-gift, re-purpose, restore and rebuild
End the non-violent takeover of North America and Europe by
illegal immigration
Reduce the incidence of single-parenting to save the family
and shrink the prisons
Realize that no child left behind may well mean that all our
children tie for last
Drive much more efficient cars and cut back on our senseless
commuting by 25%
Wean ourselves from fats, sugars, white bread, greasy
burgers, cellophaned snacks and soft drinks
Put some real effort into developing a cure for the sick
madness we call war
End bullshit congressional earmarks, the electoral college
and grant the president a line item veto
Curb the endless, wasteful noise of machinery so that we
need not shout to think
Remove the immoral wage disparity of workers and their phony
superstar executives
Raise children who do not carelessly litter, casually make
noise and crudely waste energy
Admit that the blind economic hand, Social Darwinism and
literalist fundamentalism is not magically resulting in a better world
Take a much lower international profile and let others sort
it out for themselves
Realize that staying on message is exactly equivalent to
endlessly repeating propaganda
Quit subsidizing corporate agriculture while simultaneously
calling for free trade
Stop letting paid lobbyists bribe politicians into
legislating on industry’s behalf
Don’t keep building and rebuilding homes in floodplains, so
valuable left in their natural state
Restore the life to our rivers and count that as part of our
so-called GDP
Get the politicians off of abortion, flag-burning, gay
marriage and stem cells
Let’s talk about sustainability, energy independence and
cutting military spending
How about we just finally realize that healthcare does not
belong in the marketplace
Maybe we could actually begin to search for peace within
Somebody could even start up a real 24 hour news channel
Get control of national debt before it bursts like the bank
Don’t let’s build more of these same old poisonous
coal-fired power plants just to save a buck
Keep the internet from becoming just another form of
corpro-broadcast television
Stop us spending time and money worshiping these empty
sports and entertainment deities
Recognize, revere and reward young scientists,
mathematicians and engineers
Biometrically and digitally identify us to end illegal
immigration and identity theft
the constitution to grant us the simple right to privacy in our own homes
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